I’m Stephanie (Diabetes health consultant). Having Worked Several Years To Help Treat & Care For Diabetes Patients, I Can Confidently Say This !

“The idea that high sugar levels in the blood cannot be permanently reversed is simply a myth and is false.”

This is a new natural remedy 100% scientifically tested to permanently and totally reverse diabetes, pre-diabetes & has helped so many diabetic men, women and even children today.


A Leading Diabetes Expert Made This Proven, Clinically Tested Solution That Helps To Permanently Normalize Blood Sugar/Glucose Permanently; Repairs The Pancreas To Function Properly For Effective Insulin Production And Rejuvenates Defaulting Cells For Proper Absorption And Utilization Of Insulin Produced.

Have you been told your diabetes cannot be reversed but only managed? Have you been suffering gravely from the side effects of popping those pills and taking those shots? Have you literally been struggling to keep your sugar levels in check i.e stabilizing it? Worse still, have you been scheduled for surgery to amputate a diabetic foot or worse? Then keep reading, let me walk you through this life changing experience and discovery.

Now let’s speak science…You will agree with me that the best way to solve a problem is treating the Root Cause by this i mean on a cellular level which is the basic unit for life. That is, assuming one got a broken leg, definitely there’d be pains but in order to take care of the pains which in this case can be described as a symptom of the broken leg, he uses pain relieve medications. The pains gets suppressed, this doesn’t mean his legs aren’t broken still. That is exactly how treating diabetes with orthodox medications works. It basically takes care of the symptoms of disease; In this case, temporarily balances the sugar level of a diabetic patient which means one has to continue this medication for a life time instead of treating it from the Root Cause to eradicate it permanently. To explain further, your medications cannot heal you, they are meant to just “reduce” the symptoms of diabetes (and not treat it) for as long as your money can last. The product very capable of eradicating this issue from the system for good can only be possible by this natural organic breakthrough in science that has the ability to treat diabetes from the root cause thereby eradicating it from the system for good by repairing the pancreas to function properly for effective insulin production and rejuvenates defaulting cells for proper absorption and utilization of insulin produced thereby resulting to a permanent reversal of all types of diabetes or high blood sugar.


Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by inherited and/or acquired deficiency in production of the hormone insu1in by the pancreas which is meant to move sugar from the blood to be stored or used for energy, or the ineffectiveness of the insu1in produced to be utilized by the body. Such a deficiency results in increased concentrations of glucose in the blood. Without ongoing careful management, diabetes can lead to a buildup of sugars in the blood, which can increase the risk of dangerous complications, including stroke and heart disease etc.

There are two main principle forms of diabetes:·         

Type 1 Diabetes (insu1in-dependent); Also known as juvenile diabetes, occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insu1in which is essential for survival.  Hence insu1in are no more longer produced, Glucose doesn’t move into your cells because insulin isn’t there to do the job. Instead, it builds up in your blood, and your cells starve hence injuries will seize to heal. This form develops most frequently in children and adolescents, but is being increasingly noted later in life.

Type 2 diabetes; This is an impairment in the way the body regulates and uses sugar (glucose) as a fuel. With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas either doesn’t produce enough insulin, or cells resists or responds poorly to insulin and takes in less sugar.. This long-term (chronic) condition results in too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream. This is the most common type of diabetes, and it has strong links with obesity. Type 2 diabetes is much more common and accounts for around 90% of all diabetes cases worldwide. It occurs most frequently in adults, but is being noted increasingly in adolescents as well. 

In addition there’s Prediabetes; This diabetes is known as a stage before type 2 diabetes. Here, the blood glucose levels are higher than usual but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

This untreated high blood sugar from diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and some other organs which could lead to other conditions like: blindness, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and lower limb amputation.

What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?

The symptoms of the different types of diabetes are similar, but laboratory tests can identify the specific type a person has.Signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes often develop slowly, but they can become severe.Hence the importance of regular body check ups. They include:

  • Increased thirst (dry mouth).
  • Upset stomach and vomiting.
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Unintended weight loss even though you’re eating and feel hungry.
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing sores
  • Frequent infections (skin, urinary tract or vagina).
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck etc.

*please note; Obesity isn’t a symptom of diabetes but one of the consequences of uncontrolled or untreated diabetes over a period. 

Let Me Share This Short Story Of A Diabetes Survivor

*please note: due permission was taken from patient before publishing this story on this article as patient confidentiality is also part of our job.*

My name is Gerald Onuoha, I’m a pharmacist. As such, I would have been very sure I knew it all when it came to diabetes from the diagnosis to managing diabetes. But in my case, It was my wife who recognized the symptoms. I was fatigued and always thirsty, I was also gaining weight consistently which was obviously a later consequence of uncontrolled diabetes. Well, its safe to say people in my field like to feel like they know it all, I mean we do but definitely not all the time especially when it comes to our own health. I wasn’t one to really indulge in regular check ups because as far as I was concerned I lived healthy in my diets and little exercises my age would let me carry out. Finally decided to go for a check up as my wife kept insisting. This time a full HBA1C blood test was arranged which came back as 11.1%. I was type 2 diabetic. This was 2009.

The diagnosis was not unusual, as the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes increases after the age of 45 and like many people with this condition, I have a family history of diabetes, “I lost my father to complications of type 2 diabetes about 10 years ago. After his diagnosis, he later developed hypertension five years after. Despite efforts, he developed kidney problems and survived partial stroke at the age of 68 and years later succumbed to kidney failure. That this might be my fate terrified me. Following the diagnosis, in addition to my diet and exercise plan I began taking oral medication to help manage the diabetes. The oral medication worked for the first few years, but over time, it became less effective. Notably as about five to 10 percent of people with type 2 diabetes stop responding to their medication every year. After about seven years, I started going to an endocrinologist whom introduced 1nsulin to my medication, until I was strictly on an 1nsulin regime. Now taking this highly synthesized medications like 1nsulin and other oral medications had their side effects which manifested after some years, like shakiness,fast heart rate, abnormal weight gain despite my strict diet and this psychological fear that I might die or something bad might happen any day I didn’t use. It honestly felt like an addiction which was obviously because I feared for my life. Sad to say I was a mess.

One day, I reached out to my doctor colleague in U.K. We were having a casual conversation, I got carried away and just chipped in my health struggles. She advised me on a very good medication she uses off the record for her patients who cared to listen. Now, what caught my attention was its efficacy with absolutely no side effects. I became curious for I trusted her as she was the best I know in the field. She then connected me with Stephanie whom she said would explain the rest to me. Normally, I wouldn’t have believed a word from Stephanie but since the recommendation was coming from this friend, I was very attentive. I decided to give it a try and my wife was in support. I placed my order which was delivered promptly. I used them accordingly and on the first week, my sugar level crashed. I went from 230 to 136 mg/dL. My shakiness, trembling and anxiety stopped. I became really active. In awe of what had happened, I was scared that if i continued my levels might be too low but thats when I realized the medication reduces and then stabilizes the sugar levels while fixing the cause of the problem. This was marvelous!

I continued with this medication and to my awe, its been three months now and I haven’t taken a shot of 1nsulin, I’m now off my 1nsulin pump. No more medications as my body could now independently process sugar on its own, I was finally cured! This was nothing short of a miracle. Likewise, I started administering it to my patients sharing my testimony to them. Most of them were amazed because they didn’t know I had same condition as they did, not to talk of being severe. I always had to hide this from them so when i started getting shaky due to the 1nsulin pumps, I hired an assistant. This helped avoid too much in person communication with my patients . It wasn’t actually something i’d share to my patients because as heath workers our patients look up to us, hence part of our job is to keep filling them with hope even when we know the orthodox medications are failing with overwhelming side effects. 

My advise, take that bold step to combating diabetes from life for good and also be a tool to help liberate others with your testimony in due time because you will definitely testify as I did. You can help save a life but it can’t happen if you don’t start with yours.


Norland Healthway Capsule 

Here’s What This DIABETES CURATIVE DRUGS Can Do To Help You:

  • It works by smooth sugar lowering, activation of islets, regulates/stabilizes blood sugar (high and low) and prevents complications.
  • It helps to Restores the function of the pancreas to secrete lente iletin. 
  • Good for the heart.
  • It has documented effect on blood sugar.
  • For people with impaired glucose tolerance, pre-diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduces and regulates blood sugar and cholesterol level.
  • It helps in fighting chronic diseases by normalizing harmful elements called free radicals which are unstable molecules that damages tissues.
  • It enhance protein metabolism and it also help to eliminate fatigue, weakness and depression therefore accelerates blood circulation.
  • Improves mental focus and memory; Prevent deterioration of heart and brain function.
  • Reduction in cancer.
  • More vitamins and minerals etc and Maintains proper body weight.

Few Testimonies From People That Have Used This Wonderful Medication:

This Product Is Approved By NAFDAC & Other International Bodies

You can make an order easily and pay as you confirm the product

NOTE: The duration of treatment you are to use for a total reversal of diabetes is 90 days.

Your 1st Month with Norland Healthway Capsules: A lot of people say they have more energy on the very first day. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well rested than you have in years. This month, as you test your blood glucose levels, you’ll notice that number getting closer and closer to where it should be.

Your 2nd Month with Healthway Capsules: A week from today, you’ll realize you’ve needed fewer lente iletin injections. As you start into your second month with this solution, you’ll discover that it feels like there are more hours in the day, and you’re getting more done. The truth is, you’re so used to being exhausted all the time, that suddenly having energy feels fantastic. If you suffer from painful, tingling neuropathy, you should notice that starting to disappear around the end of the second month

Your 3rd Month (Complete Treatment Month) with Healthway Capsules: Over the next couple months, as you finish the healthway capsules, your pancreas will kick back into gear, and your body will remember how to absorb lente iletin. Your blood glucose will stay at a healthy, normal level. You’ll be able to stop taking lente iletin injections. You’ll be able to talk to your doctor, and see the surprised look on his face when he sees your Diabetes is gone.
If you start today, then less than 3 months from today you could be free to enjoy life, and never again worry about diabetes-related early death or amputation.


I know you may be wondering if you will pay first before you get this product. NO! You don’t have to pay first. Once you place your order the items would be sent to your state and once it gets to your state our courier agent would contact you, deliver the products to you at your provided address at no extra cost.

So, once our delivery agent brings it to you. You would receive your products and pay at the point of delivery.


1month treatment 

N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira) N35,000

1 Bottle of the Norland Healthway Capsule 

2Months Treatment 

N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira) N70,000

2 Bottles of the Norland Healthway Capsule

3 Months Treatment (Most recommended)

N70,000 (Seventy Thousand Naira) N105,000

3 Bottles of the Norland Healthway Capsule 

These packages are all currently discounted so take advantage of this opportunity before the price goes back to normal.

The full package i.e The Three(3) Months Package come with guarantee

Currently, the cost of treating diabetes in Nigeria amounts to between N300,000 and N500, 000 and when complications such as diabetic, foot ulcers and kidney failure occur, the cost rises to over N1. 5 million to N2 million. If you,d ask me, I’d say ” This is the wise and smart thing to do”. Despite the high cost of insulin, It also raises risk of blindness, amputation, kidney failure, stroke. And how much longer can your system handle this highly synthesized medications?

The Most Recommended Treatment Is the Complete Treatment Pack, You’ll Get Your Desired Result with That And You Wont Have To Be Spending Money On This Again…

I encourage you to order the complete treatment pack of Diabetes Mellitus Remedy because you’ll get the desired result with that and you won’t have to keep spending money on this again. Complete treatment is the BEST for either Pre-diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

How To Get The Norland Healthway Capsule.

To Get The Norland Healthway Capsule, You Will Need To Place An Order For It

NOTE: Please do not place your order unless you’re ready to receive your products.



OR Send The Following Information Via SMS To 09068794219
  • Your Name
  • Your Full Delivery Address
  • Specify The Number Of Bottle(s) You Are Ordering + The Product Name
  • Your Choice Of Date Of Delivery
  • Phone Number Of The Recipient (Provide 2 If Available)
Example Of The SMS 
Mr. Williams Eze
4 Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island, Lagos State
3 Bottles of the Norland Healthway Capsule.
Nov 24th

Don’t Forget, All SMS Should be Sent to 09068794219

If you have any question or clarification before you order, call me with the number: 09068794219
Please in case you call and the number is busy, kindly send me a text message and I will reply you. Due to demands, the phone number is always very busy.
NOTE: Deliveries take a maximum of 48 hrs depending on your location. All orders placed on Sundays will be delivered on Monday. Deliveries are done only on working days and weekends. 
NOTE: Payment is made at the point of delivery. Please do not place an order if you are not ready to pay and receive your product within the next 1 or 2 days.
You would also receive an SMS of the dosage and prescription as soon as you get the delivery.
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